Hi 👋
just a minimalist, personal blog
- Difference between font formats
- Staticman comments on a Jekyll site
- Adding HTTP response headers to a Netlify static website
- Syntax highlight with Rouge in Jekyll
- Page specific assets in Jekyll
- Jekyll reading time without plugins
- How to add an RSS feed to a Jekyll blog
- Top plugins for Wordpress websites
- Install Jekyll on Mac OS
- Applying the active class for the current page in Jekyll
- Displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites
- Disable Jekyll's default syntax highlighter Rouge
- Image caption in Jekyll
- Showing the word count in Jekyll
- Custom 404 page for Jekyll on Github pages
- Redirect Jekyll URLs
- Quotes In Jekyll
- Creating navigation menu in Jekyll
- Jejkyll Headers
- Structured Data markup validation and testing tools
- Top monospaced fonts for coding
- Places where you can learn how to code
- CSS hacks you may not know